WATCH: Hundreds of Goats Escape, Run Free in Seattle-Area Neighborhood

Goats Invade Seattle Neighborhood
Goats Invade Seattle Neighborhood

Around 200 goats took escaped their enclosure and tore through the Issaquah Highlands Tuesday evening.

The goats were brought to the neighborhood around three weeks ago to eat vegetation on some steep hills that are difficult to mow. Healing Hooves Natural Vegetation Management was responsible for providing the goats to the Issaquah neighborhood. Owner Craig Madsen believes that a few falling goats may have inadvertently knocked over a safety fence, leading to the mass exodus.

“When one goat goes, they all go”, Madsen explained.

“Goats are goats,” he said. “They’re not like a machine you can turn on and off. They have a mind of their own.”

A local resident posted a YouTube video of the bizarre event. The video shows goats rushing down a residential street, eating everything in their path. A neighborhood dog wasn’t far behind.

With the help of the dog, Madsen was able to herd the goats to a nearby dog park. Madsen was quick to explain that valuable lessons were learned. He should have moved the goats earlier.

“I should have done it that evening,” he said. “They were getting a little more antsy.”

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