UK Family ‘Thrilled’ Over Grandmother’s Arrest

Josie Birds
Josie Birds

She would likely sit atop a list of Britain’s least dangerous “criminals”.

Last week, Machester police hauled 93-year-old Josie Birds off to jail — at her request. She wanted so badly to check the item off her bucket list.

“A big thank you to @gmpolice for ‘arresting’ my Gran Josie today,” Birds’ granddaughter, Pam Smith, wrote on her Twitter account. “She is 93 years old and her health is failing, and she wanted to be arrested for something before it’s too late. She has a heart of gold and thoroughly enjoyed it today. Thank you for granting her wishes,” 

“I’m glad our officers could help out, looks like she got the full experience!” replied the official Twitter account of Manchester Police. “Give our best to Josie and I’ll try and pass your message back to the officers who kindly helped out.” 

Smith says her grandmother is “still talking about it”. Her local police had “made an old lady very happy.” 

According to Smith, her grandmother “has never put a foot wrong all her life. [She] wanted to do something ‘naughty’ while she still has the strength to enjoy it.” 

Making the Strange Request Happen

The Greater Manchester recognized the request a week earlier. Smith had apparently contacted police explaining “her 93-year-old grandmother had a request on her bucket list” to “be ‘arrested’ and be taken to one of our police stations so she could experience what it was like to be on the wrong side of the law,” The Guardian reported

Manchester police ensured residents that no resources were diverted for the event. “Officers from across the area were continuing with their duties to ensure this short visit had no impact whatsoever on the wider area.”

As odd as it might seem, Birds’ request is not the first request of its kind. 

104-year-old Anne Brokenbrow was taken away by police in the UK to scratch an identical item off her bucket list, according to Sky News

Dutch police arrested a 99-year-old woman in 2017. She wanted to “experience a police cell from within,” CNN reported

And in October 2016, American Edie Simms, 102, was handcuffed and taken away in a police car in St. Louis, Missouri. Will you be adding this odd item to your bucket list?

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