Kindergarteners Learn ASL to Support Deaf Classmate


A kindergartener from Maine received the warmest of welcomes at her school this week. Six-year-old Morey Belanger is deaf and uses sign language to communicate. To help her feel more welcome, her classmates began to learn some sign language themselves.

Morey arrived at Dayton Consolidated School in 2017 as its first deaf student, according to reports. The school wanted Morey to feel welcome, so they began to integrate sign language into the students’ curriculum. Teachers hung posters in the halls that taught other students words and phrases in sign language.

“Students in Morey’s classroom have to learn their ABCs and colors,” the kindergartener’s mom, Shannon Belanger, told CBS News via email. “They also have a lot of posters around school for things you would find around school like: door, window, line up, stop, sit, water, gym, sing, read, etc.”

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