Police Officer Gives Homeless Man a Shave Before Job Interview

A Florida police officer went viral after being recorded helping a homeless man shave for a job interview at McDonald's. (Courtesy of Tallahassee Police Department)
A Florida police officer went viral after being recorded helping a homeless man shave for a job interview at McDonald's. (Courtesy of Tallahassee Police Department)

TALLAHASSEE, Flor. — A Florida police officer is going viral after a Tallahassee woman recorded a video of helping a homeless man shave in preparation for a job interview.

Officer Carlson was seen standing in front of a convenience store when Phil approached him. Phil, who is believed to be homeless, approached the officer to ask if he knew how to fix a razor. Phil was having trouble with his, which made it hard for him to shave.

Even though Officer Carlson was getting ready to leave, he was kind enough to take a look at Phil’s razor. While Officer Carlson was fixing it, Phil told the officer that he needed to shave for an upcoming job interview at McDonald’s.

“He seemed excited about [the job]…if he’s wanting to help himself, I need to help him out the best I can,” Officer Carlson shared in a video posted on Facebook.

Once the razor was fixed, Officer Carlson realized that Phil didn’t even have a mirror to see what he was doing. It was then, that Officer Carlson decided to shave Phil himself.

“I wish I could’ve done more … Hopefully, from this, Phil will get a job,” Officer Carlson said.

The woman who took the video shared it with a family member who submitted it to the police department.

The woman who recorded the video on her smartphone shared it first with a family member. From there, the two decided that they should share the video with the Tallahassee Police Department.

Along with the video, the submission came with this note: “I am so proud to live in a community where our deputies and officers are such wonderful people. Good job Tallahassee Police Department!!!”.

Officer Carlson was quick to explain that his fellow officers do similar things all the time. The only difference is that this encounter was caught on tape. At the end of the day, he only hopes that this story will inspire others to be kind.

“If somebody else sees this when they can help somebody out, hopefully they’ll think of this,” he said.

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