Today we wanted to share a light hearted story out of New Zealand. Police in Wellington “arrested” a couple of penguins for trespassing around a sushi truck.
Employees knew something was up when they heard cooing noises coming from underneath the floor. The employees found a big surprise when they checked under the truck! Penguins were starting to roost underneath their truck.
The local zoo identified the two trespassers as blue penguins. Working with local police, the penguins were taken from under the truck and released back into Wellington Harbor.
“It’s pretty insane the idea that some penguins are camping out under your shop,” sushi shop worker Wini Morris told Radio NZ of the wild tale. “But it’s adorable I think – they’re probably terrified but it’s adorable.”
Penguins begin to seek out warm places, like underneath the truck, in summer months. They typically will begin laying eggs in August.
Hopefully these little guys will find a suitable place closer to the water!
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Read the original story by Janine Puhak on Fox