Taylor Swift super fan gets hospital room decorated for “Lover” release

Taylor Swift super fan Lover release
Taylor Swift super fan Lover release

A young girl isn’t letting cancer stop her from smiling after an East Tennessee Children’s Hospital employee went above and beyond to make sure the teen’s room was ready for a very big day.

The big day? The album release of her favorite singer, Taylor Swift.

It added just a little bit of joy and sunshine to a very difficult time.

Trinity Foster has spent more time in a hospital room than most teens ever will. She’s battled cancer for almost a year.

“I have stage 4 osteosarcoma, bone cancer,” said Foster.

A recent surgery has left her nearly immobile, but she said it’s the little things, butterflies and rainbows, that bring so much hope. 

“I’m pretty much here all the time. I haven’t walked for like the whole year. I couldn’t stand, walk, do anything,” she said. 

But there are people behind the curtains at the hospital working to make her teenage life somewhat normal. 

“Trinity from the beginning has always been a huge Taylor Swift fan,” said child life specialist Nicole Wenger. 

Huge is an understatement.

“She writes her own music, all of her songs are good, she’s nice to people,” said Foster who adores Swift. 

So to bring a smile to Trinity’s face, Wenger threw a launch party for Swift’s new album.

“I brought in all the decorations and said, ‘Alright girlie, where do you want them?'” she said. 

“The nurses came and we listened to the whole album. We had a dance party,” said Foster. 

There was even face painting to recreate Swift’s look. 

“Taylor had a pink heart on her face around her eye and I said, ‘If you’re up for it, I have some face paint glitter and we can go all out.’ She said, ‘Yeah lets do it.’”

It was a needed push to keep going in Trinity’s battle.

“I can’t say how much of a dream that this is to do this kind of work,” said Wenger. “I love it so much. These kiddos mean the world to me. To do this kind of work, I can’t even imagine I get to do this stuff for a living… throw Taylor Swift parties.”

Foster only has four rounds of chemo left. She walked for the first time Thursday in months, which was a huge accomplishment.

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Read the original story by Amelia Young on WBIR.com.

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