Stranger Discovers a Priceless Audio Recording of Child’s Deceased Mother Thought Lost

Novia Scotia Teddy
Novia Scotia Teddy

When the MacMaster family finished up their vacation and returned to their home in Nova Scotia last week, they left a very important member of their family behind: an irreplaceable teddy bear belonging to seven-year-old Duncan.

What makes the bear so special? It holds a personal voice message recorded by Duncan’s birth mother not long before she passed away.

Duncan’s stepmother, Ranelle, went to social media, pleading with local residents to keep looking for the very special bear.

Monday night, Airdri, Alberta resident Heidi Erickson dropped off her son and his friend at the downtown Nose Creek Park. It was there that they discovered the bear and Duncan’s backpack in mint condition. Someone seemed to have placed them right by the park’s entrance.

“There was no backpack where I found it when I dropped them off, but when I returned, this backpack was hanging on a post,” Erickson explained. “I saw it and thought that looks so familiar, but I knew it wasn’t my kid’s backpack. It occurred to me that maybe it was the backpack from this story. I went and opened it and the bear was inside. I was in such disbelief.”

It didn’t take long for the bear’s identity to be confirmed. Duncan woke up to the very best news.

An incredible rescue

“I’m really happy,” Duncan said. “I was feeling really sad for a few days because I missed my Momma Bear.”

No one knows who found the bear and placed it at the park’s entrance. Whoever it is, they’ve made a young boy very, very happy.

The bear should be home with Duncan in the next week.

“The real heroes of this story are Duncan’s moms,” Erickson added. “His birth mom, who cared enough to leave that message for her son before she passed, and also his stepmom, who cared enough to keep that memory alive, who cared enough to reach out to a community to find this bear.”

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