Taco Bell Employees Work Together to Help Elderly Man in Crisis

Taco Bell Heros
Taco Bell Heros

The staff of a Missouri fast food restaurant received praise on social media after helping a disabled, elderly customer.

Another patron and local mother, Tosha Lindquist, noticed the three Taco Bell employees — Isaac, Caleb and Jessica of Sugar Creek, Missouri, — leave their duties behind the counter and work together to push an SUV into a parking spot in the shade.

Lindquist said in an interview with Yahoo Lifestyle that Caleb noticed the elderly driver was wearing a hospital wristband that said “fall risk”.

Lindquist went on to explain that this made the Taco Bell employees work even harder to help the man out. Visibly pregnant, Jessica explained that the man had run out of gas and seemed disoriented. She went off to find a can of gas so the man could get to where he needed to go.

Ms. Lindquist noted that this wasn’t the first time that employees of this restaurant had helped others. The employees shared countless other stories of people who had collapsed. They also shared stories of horrible car accidents that they would find themselves witnessing and helping,” Lindquist explained in the interview with Yahoo Lifestyle. “I’m so excited that they are receiving recognition for one of the many good deeds they perform on a daily basis.”

Thankful Patrons Take to Facebook

In a post on Facebook, Lindquist lauded the team as “fantastic examples of upstanding citizens,” and said that situations such as this serve as a “reminder that there is hope and people with good intentions.”

Lindquist wasn’t the only patron who expressed their appreciation publicly.

“That is awesome that there are still caring people out there who still have a heart and are willing to help people in situations like this. They could have said, ‘Oh well and moved on,’ and have other angry customers to deal with but they didn’t,” one commenter wrote. “They helped that man out and I’m sure he appreciated it more than anything.”

“What wonderful young adults! Thank you all for your kindness and thanks for sharing this uplifting story!” another post read.

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