Teen Buys His Single Mother a New Car

William Rabillo with the car he purchased for this mother.
William Rabillo with the car he purchased for this mother.

FERNLEY, Nev. — Young William Rabillo is the perfect reminder that you’re never too young to make a difference. He’s only thirteen, but his recent act of kindness has gone viral.

William’s mother, Krystal Preston, recently posted a heartwarming story on Facebook about how her son bought her a car.

“I have no words right now that can express how I am feeling at this moment,” the mom wrote. “The last couple weeks have literally been hell filled with so many tears, anger, confusion and heart ache. Today I got the shock of my life.”

Preston said that her son had recently become interested in entrepreneurship. He would leave often to mow lawns and do other yard work. He would normally come home with money, but one day William came home with something a little more substantial.

Would you have believed him?

“William came home and said, ‘Mom I bought you a car,'” Preston wrote on her Facebook page. “I of course laughed and told him, ‘Ya right!'”

William explained to his mother that he was serious. Her new car was sitting in the driveway. William explained that he saw on Facebook that someone in his area was selling a car. He reached out to the seller offering his XBOX plus yard work. The seller initially rejected his offer, but then had a change of heart.

“And here I thought it was a joke,” the mom wrote. “Nope I was handed the keys and paperwork to the car and I’m freaking out but so in shock.”

Krystal then took William for a drive in the white 1999 Chevrolet Metro that he bought her.

“I am so proud of my son. He is such a good kid,” Preston wrote. “He may have his days but OMG what 13 year old kid do you know that buys his mom a car… William I love you son and thank you. You have such a big heart and I love you …”

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