No Paternity Leave? This Company will Give You $5000 to Stay Home with Your Newborn

Father and sleeping baby
Father and sleeping baby

The issue of paid maternity leave has been getting more attention in the United States these days. While the movement still has plenty left to accomplish, the general public seems to understand the importance of mothers being able to spend time with their new babies. Fathers don’t yet enjoy this opportunity at the same rate. One company decided to do something about it.

Dove, a popular manufacturer of cleanliness and hygiene products, recently started a paid paternity leave fund and is attempting to raise over one million dollars for fathers without access to paid paternity leave.

According to Dove, only fifteen-percent of men in the United States have access to paid paternity leave. Dove hopes that five-thousand dollar grants will give new fathers the opportunity to stay home with their families.

On their website, Dove states that “working dads shouldn’t have to choose between their children and a paycheck—because when they take paternity leave, it benefits families, workplaces and communities.”

Interested in applying for the grant? You’ll need to sign a pledge to use the money to be able to spend time with your family. You should not use the funds as an additional boost to your income.

Those interested in applying for the $5000 grant can do so on Dove’s website.

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