Chick-fil-A feeds “stressed” Popeye’s employee’s during viral sandwich launch

Chick fil A feeds Popeyes employees
Chick fil A feeds Popeyes employees

Popeyes may have started the viral “chicken war” but one Chick-fil-A location used their chicken sandwiches as a peace offering.

In the heat of the battle, a Popeyes in Greensboro, N.C., recently ran out of chicken sandwiches, and one Chick-fil-A employee from across the street walked over to hand out chicken sandwiches to the “stressed out” Popeyes workers.

The scene was caught on camera by a Chick-fil-A fan who was in line to try the competitor’s new spicy chicken sandwich — and it turned into several funny memes, FOX 4 News reported.

Jené Walker candidly shared on Facebook that she was in line at Popeyes when the Chick-fil-A director came across the street to give chicken sandwiches to Popeyes’ employees and even offered to give customers a free chicken sandwich on him. She called it the “funniest, yet nicest thing” she’d ever seen.

The manager at the Chick-fil-A store said the man in the photo, Nick, has been friends with the Popeyes employees for a very long time and the workers will usually come over to Chick-fil-A for breakfast, but weren’t able to since the launch of the spicy chicken sandwich Aug. 12.

A viral meme was born

“Chick-fil-A,” Walker wrote. “I promise to NEVER cheat on you!! You’ve shown loyalty to me…even when I was about to be disloyal to y’all. I love y’all forever.”

And, for the record, Walker told Fox News she has not tried Popeyes’ new sandwich.

Walker’s post received over 17,000 shared. It even spawned several memes.

The most shared: “Shirley, you come work for us and you can go to church on Sundays.”

And Walker took her shot at one, too:

“Chick-fil-A:…But why y’all have to come after us? We stay in our lane. Popeyes: IDK, I just work here. I love y’all. I told them to go after McDonald’s and Wendy’s.”

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Read the original story by Caleb Parke on Fox News.

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