Amazon Delivery Driver Recounts Harrowing Ordeal After Falling 13 Feet into Septic Tank

Charles Amicangelo
Charles Amicangelo

An Amazon delivery driver had a unique experience while on the job recently, but he’s taking it in stride and is back to delivering packages to customers. Charles Amicangelo was delivering a package in Apple Valley, California when he noticed a hole in the ground. As he was walking back to his truck, the ground underneath him suddenly gave way and he fell 13 feet into a septic tank.

Charles recounts the moment as he was approaching the customer’s property, he noticed a hole in the ground and thought it best to keep a safe distance from it. But as he was walking back to his truck, the ground underneath him suddenly gave way and he fell into the septic tank. Charles explained that the hole in the ground was not visible from the surface and had a thin layer of dirt on top of it. He never thought something like this would happen to him, but it did.

Despite the unexpected and potentially dangerous situation, Charles kept his cool and called for help. He even tried using the roots around him to get out, but it just pulled more dirt on top of him. Charles said he felt a sense of panic as he was stuck in the septic tank and the smell was overwhelming. But he knew he had to stay calm and wait for help to arrive.

Luckily, Charles had his phone with him and he was able to call for help. He called his dispatch and informed them of his situation. Dispatch then contacted the local fire department who promptly came to Charles’s rescue. Charles said he felt a sense of relief when he saw the fire department arrive, he knew that he was going to be okay.

The fire department pulled Charles out of the septic tank, he was covered in clay-colored dirt and large roots. Charles was checked by the paramedics and thankfully, he was not injured during the fall. He was just a bit shaken up and had a few scrapes and bruises. Charles said he was grateful for the fire department for coming to his rescue and for keeping him safe.

After the incident, Charles went home, took a shower and headed back to work to finish his deliveries for the day. He mentioned that he was taught to always accomplish his mission and that’s what he planned to do. Charles said that the incident might have been unexpected and scary, but he knew that he still had a job to do. He also shared that he is grateful for the fire department for coming to his rescue, and that he’s glad he could count on them to help him out of this unusual situation.

Charles’s story quickly went viral on social media and many people reached out to him to express their support. Charles said that he was surprised by the outpouring of support he received from people all over the country. He said that he was glad that his story could serve as a reminder to always be aware of your surroundings and to always have a plan in case of an emergency.

In conclusion, Charles’s experience serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations. He is a true testament to the importance of staying calm and having a plan in case of an emergency. Charles’s story also highlights the importance of the fire department and the vital role they play in keeping our communities safe. Charles is now back to delivering packages and we wish him a safe journey on his future deliveries.

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